The United States has a longstanding homelessness problem, as over half a million people reside in temporary shelters or uninhabitable city spaces. This menacing problem is attributed to unemployment, low wages, poverty, and an overall lack of affordable housing. Here are 50 states, ranked in ascending order (from least to most) of homeless rate per 10,000 people.

All of these states are ranked by the number of homeless individuals in them per 10,000 people. In essence, if a state has a homeless rate of 5.00, it means that 5 individuals out of every 10,000 individuals in that state are experiencing homelessness.

1. Mississippi

Mississippi Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With a homeless rate of around 4.10, Mississippi has the lowest homeless rate in the United States, with only 1,196 total homeless compared to its total population of 2.95 million.

2. South Carolina

South Carolina Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With a 7.00 homeless rate, South Carolina takes the first spot on the list with 3,608 homeless people. Almost 700 people in the Palmetto State experience chronic homelessness.

3. Illinois

Illinois Flag
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A homeless rate of 7.30 earns Illinois the second spot on the list. The Prairie State has a 9,212 homeless population, of which 6,244 people live solo and about 3,000 exist in family units. Over 1,300 people are chronically homeless.

4. Alabama

Alabama Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With 3,752 total homeless and a 7.40 rate, Alabama is ranked 3rd. Almost 540 people in the Yellowhammer state are faced with chronic homelessness.

5. Virginia

Virginia Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Old Dominion has a homeless population of 6,529, 1,142 of which are chronically homeless. It takes the 4th spot with a 7.60 homeless rate.

6. Iowa

Iowa Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Iowa ties with Virginia, both states having a 7.60 homeless rate. The Hawkeye State has a 2,419 total homeless population. With over 1,600 people living solo and 753 living as families.

7. West Virginia

West Virginia Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

West Virginia ranks 6th with a rate of 7.70. The Mountain State has a homeless population of over 1,300, 137 of which are families.

8. North Dakota

North Dakota Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With a homeless population of 610 and a score of 7.90, North Dakota comes in at 7th place. One hundred seventy people are currently chronically homeless in the Sioux State.

9. Indiana

Indiana Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Hoosier State has a homeless rate of 8.00, earning it the 8th spot on this list. With 470 people being chronically homeless, Indiana’s total homeless population is 5,449, 470 of which are family units.

10. Wisconsin

Wisconsin Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Coming in at 9, Wisconsin has an 8.10 homelessness score. However, its position is shared by two other states: Connecticut and Arkansas. Over 500 people in the Badger State suffer from chronic homelessness, with no foreseeable future for shelter.

11. Connecticut

Connecticut Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Like Arkansas, the Nutmeg State also has a homelessness rate of 8.10. With a total homeless population of 2,930, 923 are family units, while the rest are solo. 

12. Arkansas

Arkansas Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Yet again, with a score of 8.10, The Natural State has a homeless population of 2,459.

13. Michigan

Michigan Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Michigan has a total homeless population of 8,206. With an 8.20 rate, the Wolverine State has over a thousand chronically homeless people. Of the total, over 3,300 homeless people exist in family units.

14. Kansas

Kansas Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Wheat State comes in at 13, with a homeless score of 8.20 for every 10,000 people. About 2,400 people in Kansas are currently homeless, with 465 people experiencing chronic homelessness.

15. Texas

Texas Flag
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While Texas’ ranking isn’t too bad, owing to its 8.30 homeless rate, the numbers are high due to the state’s population and large size. Over 24,400 people are currently homeless, and 5,853 of them are chronically homeless.

16. Maryland

Maryland Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Maryland has a total homeless population of 5,349, with about 900 people chronically homeless. The Old Line State is placed 15th with a score of 8.70.

17. Kentucky

Kentucky Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Bluegrass State comes in at 16, with a homeless score of 8.80. About 4,000 people are homeless, 993 of which are family units.

18. North Carolina

North Carolina Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With a homeless rate of 8.90, North Carolina is placed at 17. The homeless population is about 9,400, with 2,730 being family units.

19. Ohio

Ohio Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Ohio has a homeless population of 10,654, placing it in the 18th spot. The Buckeye State has a homelessness score of 9.00, with over a thousand people experiencing chronic homelessness.

20. Oklahoma

Oklahoma Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Oklahoma ties with New Jersey at 19th place and a homeless rate of 9.40. The Sooner State has a homeless population of 3,754, 788 of which are family units.

21. New Jersey

New Jersey Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

About 3,000 people living in family units are homeless in New Jersey. The Garden State has a score of 9.40, with a homeless population of 8,752.

22. Missouri

Missouri Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Ranking 21st, Missouri has a homeless score of 9.70. With about 6,000 people, 1,145 in the Show-Me State are subjected to chronic homelessness.

23. Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Pennsylvania has a whopping 12,691 total homeless population. With 1,759 people experiencing chronic homelessness and a score of 9.80, the Keystone State ranks 22nd.

24. Georgia

Georgia Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Peach State has a homeless score of 9.90 per 10,000 people, granting it the 23rd spot. About 10,700 people in Georgia are homeless, and 1,354 of them experience chronic homelessness.

25. Idaho

Idaho Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Gem State has a total homeless population of about 2,000. Owing to a score of 10.50, which means that the State has an average of 10.5 homeless individuals per 10,000 residents, Idaho takes the 24th place.

26. Utah

Utah Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With a score of 10.70 and a homeless population of 3,557, Utah has over a thousand homeless people living in family units and about 2,500 living solo.

27. Wyoming

Wyoming Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Coming in at 26 with an 11.20 rate, Wyoming has a total of 648 homeless people. Over 80 people are chronically homeless, and 190 of the total homeless population exists in family units.

28. Nebraska

Nebraska Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Placed 27th, Nebraska has a score of 11.40 and a total homeless population of 2,246. Over 574 homeless people in the Cornhusker State are family units.

29. New Hampshire

New Hampshire Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Granite State has a homeless rate of 11.60, placing it 28th on the list. With over 1,600 having no permanent shelter, New Hampshire has over 340 people living in devastatingly chronic homelessness.

30. Florida

Florida Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With about 26,000 homeless people, 4,233 Floridians experience chronic homelessness. Owing to a score of 11.90, Floria takes the 29th spot.

31. New Mexico

New Mexico Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

New Mexico has a 12.10 homeless score and a total homeless population of 2,560. Securing the 30th position, the state has over 700 people living in chronic homelessness.

32. Minnesota

Minnesota Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

About 8,000 people in Minnesota suffer from homelessness, 1,773 of which are chronically homeless. The Gopher State earns the 31st spot with a homelessness score of 13.90.

33. Rhode Island

Rhode Island Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Ocean State ranks 32nd with a homeless population of 1,577 and a 14.40 rating. Over 420 people in Rhode Island experience chronic homelessness. Of the total, 506 are families, and 1,071 live solo.

34. Montana

Montana Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Big Sky Country takes the 33rd spot with 1,585 homeless people. The homeless rate is 14.40, and over 340 people in Montana are chronically homeless.

35. Tennessee

Tennessee Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With a total homeless population of 10,567 and a score of 15.10, Tennessee ranks 34th. Over  1,600 people in the Volunteer State experience chronic homelessness. 

36. South Dakota

South Dakota Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

South Dakota is placed 35th, with a homeless rate of 15.50. About 14,000 people in Mount Rushmore State have nowhere to seek shelter.

37. Louisiana

Louisiana Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Over 7,300 people in Louisiana are homeless, with about 400 of them being families. The Pelican State is placed 36th with a score of 15.90.

38. Colorado

Colorado Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Colorado comes in at 37 with a homeless rate of 17.90. Around 10,400 of the Centennial State’s total population is homeless. Over 3,400 people live in a state of chronic homelessness.

39. Arizona

Arizona Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Arizona takes the 38th spot with an 18.60 homeless rate and a total homeless population of 13,553. Over 2,400 people in the Grand Canyon State are chronically homeless.

40. Massachusetts

Massachusetts Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Bay State is ranked 39th worst in terms of homeless, with a 22.20 score. Over 15,500 people in Massachusetts have no permanent shelter.

41. Delaware

Delaware Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Delaware comes in at 40 with a 23.60 homeless score. Over 2,300 people in the Diamond State are homeless, with 1,304 existing in family units and 1,065 solo individuals.

42. Nevada

Nevada Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

The Silver State is the 41st worst state in terms of homelessness. With a rate of 24.20, over 7,600 people are homeless, and 2,752 of them are suffering from chronic homelessness.

43. Alaska

Alaska Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

On the 42nd spot, Alaska suffers from a 31.70 homeless rate, with 576 people experiencing chronic homelessness. Out of a total homeless population of 2,320, 560 are family units, while others are solo.

44. Maine

Maine Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Maine takes the 43rd spot with a 32.10 homeless rate and a 4,411 total homeless population. Five hundred people in the Pine Tree State are chronically homeless.

45. Washington

Washington Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Ranking 44th, Washington has a 25,211 total homeless population. For every 10,000 people, the homeless rate for the state is 32.60, with as many as 6,486 people living in family units.

46. New York

New York Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

While New York is placed 45th, owing to its 37.70 homeless rate, the numbers look bad. The total homeless population is 74,178, with about 6,000 people being chronically homeless.

47. Hawaii

Hawaii Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With 5,967 total homeless, Hawaii comes in 46th with a 41.40 rate. Almost 1,500 people are chronically homeless. Of the total people, 1,488 homeless people exist in family units, while a whopping 4,479 live solo.

48. Oregon

Oregon Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

With a 42.30 rate, Oregon takes the 47th spot. Almost 18,000 people are homeless, of which 6,447 are chronically homeless. Over a thousand unaccompanied youths and 1,460 veterans are subjected to this devastation.

49. Vermont

Vermont Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Vermont comes in 48th with a 43.10 homeless rate and a 2,780 total homeless population comprising over 850 family units. Almost 400 people are chronically homeless.

50. California

California Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

Ranking 49th, California has a 43.70 homeless rate, but the numbers look much worse than any other state. The state’s homeless population is 171,521, over 57,700 of which are chronically homeless making it the State with the largest homeless population in the United States.

As many as 25,538 homeless people live in family units, while a whopping 145,983 are solo individuals. Over 9,500 of the total homeless population comprises unaccompanied youths.

51. District of Columbia

Washington DC Flag
Image Credit: Green Building Elements

While technically not a state the District of Columbia comes in last and has over 4,400 homeless people, with 1,257 chronically homeless. For every 10,000 people, the homeless rate is a stark 65.80. Over 1,000 homeless people are living in family units, while 3,406 live solo.